Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Found the Best !

I have to tell you about the product called Vemma. Great stuff that does what it says it does.
Just a 2oz shot in the morning and your out the door. No more 7-8 pills to fumble with and have them deliver about 40% of the dosage they say on the lable. Guess where the rest of that pill goes? Your going to get 100% of the dosage of Vemma and it takes just seconds each morning,, all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. They even have a handy 2oz bottle you can take on the road with you. Keep the bigger 32 oz bottles in your fridge and take your 2oz shot glass of Vemma every morning. Hey don't forget your energy drink brand new from Vemma is VERVE energy drink. All the same great vitamins and minerals in a great tasting drink for that boost of energy we all need.. and the good news is it does'nt let you crash at the end of the day. Sustained energy all day long. Try it or check out the web site and see if you think it would work for you or your family. www.vitaminbestbuys.com

Thursday, April 17, 2008

They do work..!

Just a moment to let you know what this product has done for me. I am 55 years old and work 12 hour days in Retail management. It takes a lot out of you . I had given up on feeling better and figured I would be resigned to sore feet and back all the time. I had taken vitamins in the past but usually in pill form(5-6) in a handful at a time. I had stopped taking them for years because of the cost and the time involved every day digging them out. I found Vemma the liquid product and have been taking it for 7 months. I did feel a difference within 2 weeks. Then the benifits just got better. Pain I had disappeared and I started having ENERGY I hadn't felt in years. So to say the least it WORKED.. Did what it said and I mean really did it .. finally a product that comes through on the hype!

Try it.